National Export Award 2021
Aneberries receives the 2021 National Export Award in the category – “Foreign Trade Promotion Organizations”. Como ya es sabido, el día 4 de febrero se
Aneberries is an organization that works every day in favor of its membership, maintaining and promoting unity and collaboration for the same objectives with all its associates nationwide, currently we bring together the 36 major producers and exporters of berries in the country.
In this sense, we are committed to accompanying Mexican exports, creating value in the global supply of berries, through reliable curves and high quality, always prioritizing the safety of our fruits, promoting social responsibility and environmental awareness, which undoubtedly has allowed us to reach more than 38 countries in the world and initiate efforts to reach many more.
-President of Aneberries A.C.-.
We form a well-organized community with our membership to align our objectives, food safety standards and use of natural resources to bring to the field good labor practices that put the worker as a priority and integrate them into the sector in a responsible manner.
And thanks to this, encourage, promote and defend trade and the opening of new markets by facilitating the export of Mexican berries.
We represent Mexican exporters of fresh berries to facilitate exports, guarantee food safety, encourage, promote and defend trade and the opening of new markets.
Companies that integrate Aneberries A.C.
Organisms to which Aneberries A.C. belongs.
Work and concrete actions that make the association strong
News, trends and activities on the berry sector.
Aneberries receives the 2021 National Export Award in the category – “Foreign Trade Promotion Organizations”. Como ya es sabido, el día 4 de febrero se
The First Route of Berries – Jacona. This week begins the activities of Spring Forward 2022, an event organized by the USHBC that brings together
Déjanos tu email y recibe las últimas noticias en torno a las berries de México y el Mundo.
RCG FRUITS S.A. de C.V. es una empresa 100% mexicana dedicada a la comercialización de berries tanto en el mercado nacional como internacional, nuestra principal operación se encuentra en Michoacán para los productos como zarzamora, fresa y arándano azul de los cuales nuestro mercado es Estados Unidos, Canadá, la Unión Europea y México. Nuestra meta es producir y comercializar frutas con los más altos estándares de calidad e inocuidad.
RCG FRUITS S.A. de C.V. is a 100% Mexican company dedicated to the commercialization of berries both in the national and international market, our main operation is located in Michoacán for products such as blackberry, strawberry and blueberry of which our market is the United States, Canada, the United States and the United States.
Somos una empresa 100% mexicana, dedicada a la producción y comercialización de frutas frescas. Nuestra misión es contribuir significativamente a satisfacer la demanda que tienen nuestros clientes de alimentos sanos y nutritivos.
Alpe Fresh es una empresa líder en la comercialización de fresas, berries y frutas finas tanto en mercado nacional como internacional. 365 días del año garantizando la satisfacción desde el campo hasta el corazón del consumidor final.
Nuestra misión es mejorar las vidas de la granja a la mesa. Juntos podemos hacer una diferencia cultivando cambios positivos. También queremos ayudarte a divertirse y a celebrar la vida con alimentos que nutren tu cuerpo y deleitan tu alma.
BQ Fruits nace como la fusión de dos empresas tanto productoras como exportadoras de fruta fresca, las dos empresas establecidas en México, decidimos sumar esfuerzos ya que de esta manera podremos cumplir con la demanda que actualmente tenemos y también diversificarnos en la cantidad y variedades de fruta que manejamos.
Driscoll’s is a family owned and operated company founded in the United States over 100 years ago, with a passion for producing premium quality strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.
Valle Nuevo is located in the Tecoman valley, one of the most fertile areas in Mexico, right next to the pacific Ocean that brings the best climate conditions to grow the best Mangos, Bananas and Papayas among other products like, limes, coconuts, pineapple etc
Somos una empresa mexicana dedicada a la producción, exportación, proceso y congelación de frutas y verduras. Atendiendo las necesidades de los diversos sectores del mercado nacional e internacional. Estamos ubicados en la región de Michoacán – Jalisco.
NBG comenzó como una cooperativa de Agricultores en 1917 en California. Cuenta con producción de Fresa, Zarzamora y Frambuesa. Es responsable del programa de Fresa de México de la marca NATURIPE y abastece los mercados de exportación hacia Estados Unidos y Canadá, y el Mercado Nacional.
LATIN BERRY PLANTS, S.P.R DE R.L. DE C.V., located in Puebla, Mexico, was founded on December 08, 2017, whose mission is to produce and commercialize strawberry and raspberry roots and root balls as well as to offer agricultural services to satisfy the needs of the national market and in foreign currency, with high economic efficiency and little impact on the environment.
Planasa is a world leader in the agri-food sector, specializing in the breeding of the new generation of berry varieties: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries.
Hortifrut es y ha sido la principal compañía Chilena de Berries frescos liderando el desarrollo de la industria en Chile y en el mundo. El modelo de negocios de Hortifrut se basa en alianzas estratégicas globales, uniendo los mejores del Hemisferio Sur con los mejores del Hemisferio Norte, en plataformas comerciales y con marca propia, integrados desde la genética hasta el cliente final.
Hortifrut is and has been the main Chilean company of fresh berries, leading the development of the industry in Chile and the world. Hortifrut’s business model is based on global strategic alliances, joining the best of the Southern Hemisphere with the best of the Northern Hemisphere, in commercial platforms and with its own brand, integrated from genetics to the final customer.
Splendor Produce is a Mexican company founded in 2007, focused on the production and export of high quality blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and avocados from our orchards and associated producers. Our current markets are: USA, Europe,Asia and Middle East.